FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Vanity Callsign
Q. I have a new vanity callsign. How do I update my database record?
A. Put in a support ticket via the support menu.*B. When entering a support ticket, please use your old callsign when it asks for "CALLSIGN"
C. We will then simply change your current callsign to the new one, all your ID's will follow.
* If your Current License has NOT been Verified / Approved, you will be asked to provide a copy of your new License before it can be changed.
This is NOT optional, The system prevents admins from making callsign changes to unverified accounts.
Q. Do I need more than one ID?, Some people have more than one!
You can reuse your IDs for radios that are not on the air at the same time. A mobile and base radio can have the same ID.If you only use a mobile in the car and a portable at home, you can use the same ID.
Most people will only need one, they are not an infinite resource, please do not ask for multiple ID's unless you have a valid technical requirement.
There are a few people who have more than one ID, Some people got two ids back in the DMR-MARC or HamDigital days, long before we realized this isn’t sustainable. We will give a second ID for a valid reason, but just because people want one, or because they have two radios and think they are “testers” is not a valid reason.
It’s a case by case situation.
Q. I need my 1N ID converted to a 3N ID
A. To convert a 1n ID to a new 3n ID Login to your RadioID Dashboard, click on the 1n ID. You will then see a button to Convert to 3n. Click it. Once done, you will be returned to your dashboard and magically have a new 3n IDQ. What Browsers are supported?
A. All modern (updated) versions of Chrome / Firefox / Safari and Internet Explorer are supportedQ. I lost or can't remember my ID#.
A. Check the database at https://radioid.netQ. My database entry has my Family Name twice. What happened?
A. You had Auto-Fill active on your computer, and it filled in your whole name in the GIVEN NAME field, then you filled in your Family NAME.Q. My database entry has my Given Name incorrect.
A. Put in a support ticket and ask to have it changed.Q. I can't find my ID# when I search the Database. What should I do?
A. Register at https://radioid.netQ. I need to update my personal information. What should I do?
A. Login to your account, all your information is Self Care (except Given name and Callsign)Q. How can I change my email address?
A. Proceed to your account page, you can change it, we will send you another verification message.Q. I don't have a valid email on my account, but I need to contact you for support!
A. if you need to contact support, and you do not have a verified email, submit a support ticket VIA the support portal.B. Be prepared to be ready to upload your Amateur License as proof of Identity, this is the only way we can make the change for you.
Q:How to gain access to RadioID if I had registered for DMR ID under DMR-MARC.
A: Your info has been merged to RadioID with your original Email but the account in not verified. You need to use the Sign In and go to Lost Password. You will need the e-mail you provided when you requested your DMR ID with DMR-MARC. If it does not work, or you don’t remember your e-mail just open a Ticket with Support and provide your License certificate and new email to get it changed. Then you will be able to ask for a password reset with your valid email.Q:How to gain access to RadioID if I had registered for DMR ID under Ham-Digital.
A: Your info has been merged to RadioID, Your email hash has been provided to us. You can try the email recovery. If that fails to work, you will need to contact us and provide a copy of your Amateur License for verification, so we can fix this for you.FGA (Frequently Given Advice)
A Repeater ID is given for a complete system on a building or mountain with a Radio transceiver, duplexer and gain antenna and decent power. Duplex Hotspots are not repeaters.Do not put your Hotspots on Satellite frequencies (435,000 to 438,000) (145,800 to 146,000)
We do not issue talk groups.
If you need to change your personal data, please log into your account. Only CALLSIGN and GIVEN NAME cannot be changed / omitted.
I've updated my name, callsign, or QTH and my radios are still display my old information?
radioID.net maintains NONE of these systems, only the database.
It is up to these individual systems to pull updates and update their equipment / devices. This is beyond our control.
Screenshots, "Reference Copy", QRZ are not sufficient and will not be accepted.
To report a silent key, please submit a ticket with a URL link to the obituary.
Hotspots: **** MMDVM, DV4MINI, openSPOT, DVMEGA, and all other hotspot type devices do NOT require a separate ID, use an existing ID only, check the hotspot tab on your account dashboard, do NOT request an ID for them ****
If you own more than one hotspot, use your personal ID number and add a two(2) digit suffix, example: Radio ID 3020111, use 302011101, 302011102, etc.
NEVER operate multiple hotspots within range of each other on the same frequency even with different ID's. This will create serious network issues in most cases.
Hotspots do not require repeater ID's.